Wow classic mobinfo2 database WoW Addons on CurseForge - The Home for the Best WoW Addons Discover the best World of Warcraft Addons in the kingdom. 2, Cataclysm Classic 4. 2, Wrath of Adds information about the hovered mob to the tooltip and shows health/mana information in the target frame 1. IceHUD is a highly configurable and customizable HUD addon in the spirit of DHUD, MetaHUD, and others designed to keep your focus in the center of the screen where your character is. 12), without errors, and combined 3 databases into 1 (deleting Adds additional information to the Tooltip for Mobs including HP Values Mana Values Quest Drops and Abilities. About Project Created Aug 5, 2005 Updated Apr 7, 2024 Project ID 1080 License MIT License Game VersionsView all. 2) Backup your MobInfo database as explained above. 14 Addons & UI Press Ctrl + F to search what you need. Alliance Apprentice and Journeyman Engineering Trainers. Introduction In this guide I will list all the mounts that are available in Classic WoW, and how to obtain them! There are a total of 71 Mounts in the game (85 if you include the unarmored ones, 118 if you include ALL A large collection of Vanilla WoW Addons (1. GatherMate2 data fetched from Wowhead. I don't think it linked to any database, it just kept track of what the mob dropped on my own account. 12 & 1. 0 announcement The addon was moved to another maintainer (Luke1410). 5M Downloads | Addons If a Mob already exists in your database and you choose to import it the data of the new Mob will get added to the data of the existing Mob. Classic WoW Fishing Profession Guide & Leveling 1-300; Best WoW Classic Fishing Farming Spots; Types of Food Food comes from three sources: Sold from vendors; Crafted from Cooking skill; Dropped or found; Mobinfo2 . Where-you-need-it accessibility in the item tooltip. 1 Major internal rewrite of MobInfo2 to use the Mob Id instead of the Mob Name; Added specific location tracking for Mobs; Better support for localization; Database automatically upgraded; 10. Classic now support empty loot count again. Now click the Import button to star the database import operation. 1 Make sure the ‘Search’ tab is the default one when clicking MobInfo2 button or using /MI2; One addon for all WoW versions; Fixed issue with duplication when using the GameTooltip only in classic versions; Increased extra info from 4 to 6 lines; Updated BCC and Classic to address the border issues (ported change from Retail) As far as I can tell the info that shows up when you mouseover a mob is correct. lua from Welcome to the Wowhead Burning Crusade Classic database! The database is the core of Wowhead, released in June 2006. I recommend that you use it because it will populate your target frame with Mobs real (or close to real/average) HP/Mana data. I don’t want a database I can check wowhead if that’s the case. It is quite similar to ezDismount, as it unmounts the player whenever an action is used which cannot Long Forgotten Memories WoW Classic Bug Report: 24 / 1: By Haruko on 2024/11/23: WoW Classic Era and Hardcore Hotfixes -- November 22 WoW Classic General Discussion: 176 / 45: By Linxy on 2024/11/22 [Cataclysm] Dragonwrath foci skip doesn't do anything WoW Classic Bug Report: 24 / 1: By Kaivax on 2024/11/21: Anniversary Realms are Open! WoW Major internal rewrite of MobInfo2 to use the Mob Id instead of the Mob Name; Added specific location tracking for Mobs; Better support for localization; Database automatically upgraded; 10. Make sure the 'Search' tab is the default one when clicking MobInfo2 button or using /MI2; One addon for all WoW versions; Fixed issue with duplication when using the GameTooltip only in classic versions; Increased extra info from 4 to 6 lines; Updated BCC and Classic to address the border issues (ported change from Retail) 1. Find out about the Weapon Skill system in WoW Classic, including weapon trainer locations, how to level weapons, list of weapons each class can equip, and how to increase skill through items. You can Personal addon collection for WoW 1. Welcome to the WoWDB. Name Cost: None: Range: 0 yards (Self Only): Cast time: Instant: Cooldown: n/a: Effect #1 (119) Apply Pet Aura (127) #79: Mod Dmg % (127) Value: 3 Radius: 100 yards Adds information about the hovered mob to the tooltip and shows health/mana information in the target frame 1. 1 Adds additional information to the Tooltip for Mobs including HP Values Mana Values Quest Drops and Abilities. A subreddit devoted to the design, development, and use of World of Warcraft Addons. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Yes, I searched curse for it after you posted this, and it appears to be called MobInfo2. Guide NavigationWhat it isShort feature A dedicated wowhead-like world database browser for the Light's Hope Vanilla/Classic WoW community. Below you can find profession leveling guides for Welcome to SpartanUI for Vanilla WoW 1. Hardcore realms will not progress into Burning Crusade Classic, as Hardcore has always been focused on the classic 1-60 experience and difficulty. It will generally have a slower attack speed and deal Database restructuring; Fixed loot count when multiple mobs with the same id are looted; Allows to import version 9 and 10 MobInfo2 files. 12. This dialog gives you full interactive control over EVERYTHING that MobInfo can do. database, which fills up automatically the more you fight and play. Database Tools Tools TBC WOW Classic MobInfo2 import database? Might you happen to have a database you can share or a link to a working database that I can import? I just installed mobinfo2 2. Home › Addons › Quests & Leveling › MobInfo2-Classic. It also adds A content database for World of Warcraft Classic. Fan-made database UI of items, classes, professions, zones, dungeons, raids, battlegrounds, and more from World of Warcraft Classic. 1 (modeled off of the open source aowow project for WoW v3. 1 Database Items Tools . Aug 24, 2024; WoW Cataclysm Classic. All options take immediate effect. Now you can buy items from other I've been trying to get MobInfo2 to work with Vanilla WoW (1. It starts off with an empty . Includes data for Season of Discovery (SoD), WoW Classic Era & Hardcore. It features a vast amount of WoW related information, such as in-game items, NPCs, quests, zones and much Here are the detailed import instructions: 1) Close your WoW client 2) Backup your MobInfo database as explained above 3) Rename the database file that you want to import from "MobInfo. ; Deek Fizzlebizz is located at Stonewrought Dam in Loch Database restructuring; Fixed loot count when multiple mobs with the same id are looted; Allows to import version 9 and 10 MobInfo2 files. Fixed issue when processing items within another item. News Database Tools Guides Community Premium More. 6, Classic 1. Skinning Overview in WoW Classic Skinning is a Items in World of Warcraft Classic. lua file to MI2_Import. Had to manually edit the SavedVariables file in WTF folder since I couldn't manage to import due to "BADVER" though. lua" to "MI2_Import. sh If you want the container to automatically insert the database when started, uncommnet out the following line in the Dockerfile-cmangos file. Database Items Consumables Food & Drinks. 0 Compare items from World of Warcraft Classic. 1 Database . Personal addon collection for WoW 1. 1 In the spirit of recognizing that everyone has a different view of the "Classic experience", I have reviewed mods ranging from tiny improvements to full-featured tracking. It's up to you! Herbing and Mining Tracking Classic A complete searchable and filterable list of all Food & Drinks in World of Warcraft: Classic. However, it seems like the add-on is This package contains the addon you need to use the database in WoW as well as a small external (windows-based) tool to conveniently update the addon, your local database copy and to upload your collected data. WoW Classic Fresh Roadmap General Information About WoW Classic WoW Classic is based on the original vanilla Patch 1. 1 A content database for world of warcraft classic Classic WoW Database is an open source tool for WoW patch 1. - SpartanUI_Vanilla/MobInfo2 Database/Readme. REMEMBER TO RENAME THE Search and view world of craft classic characters. 3) Rename the database file that you want to import from "MobInfo. txt at master · Dyaxler/SpartanUI_Vanilla Welcome to Wowhead's Classic WoW Leveling Guide! This guide is composed of general tips on how to level in Classic effectively. There is a database you can get for it here Major internal rewrite of MobInfo2 to use the Mob Id instead of the Mob Name; Added specific location tracking for Mobs; Better support for localization; Database automatically upgraded; 10. 12 - backported from version 2. 1 26/7/2022 Boosting / AoE Farming Nerf Now Live on TBC Classic Servers The addition of the Joyous Journey 50% experience buff will not be a joyous event for everyone, as Blizzard decided to Make sure the 'Search' tab is the default one when clicking MobInfo2 button or using /MI2; One addon for all WoW versions; Fixed issue with duplication when using the GameTooltip only in classic versions; Increased extra info from 4 to 6 lines; Updated BCC and Classic to address the border issues (ported change from Retail) Migration of old Addon MobInfo2 to Classic WoW. 5M Downloads | Addons World of Warcaft Classic and Vanilla Database Welcome to ClassicDB. 2, 50. When I then moused over it again, it showed me crisp spider meat as MobInfo-2 is a World of Warcraft AddOn that provides you with useful additional information about Mobs (ie. It adds new information to the game’s Tooltip whenever you hover with your mouse over a mob. 5M Downloads | Addons 11/29/08 - This current database has 31346 mob names and 21711 health values as well as White (and above)loot items. Adds information about the hovered mob to the tooltip and shows health/mana information in the target frame 1. In your normal chat MobInfo-2 is a World of Warcraft AddOn that provides you with useful additional information about Mobs (ie. Contribute to zaider/MobInfo2-TBC-Classic development by creating an account on GitHub. Just move MobInfo2. Updated WoW Classic version as well - check it out. Self promotion of mods is allowed and encouraged. 5M Downloads | Addons Database restructuring; Fixed loot count when multiple mobs with the same id are looted; Allows to import version 9 and 10 MobInfo2 files. 1 This means that Titan for example allows you to add MobInfo icon or SexyMap to recognize MobInfo2. I just killed a "Venom Web Spider:19" and it dropped crisp spider meat. Tooltip [] If you wish to keep your mob health database, you need to make a copy of your own MobInfo2. MobInfo-2 is the continuation of the now Database restructuring; Fixed loot count when multiple mobs with the same id are looted; Allows to import version 9 and 10 MobInfo2 files. Mysteries of Azeroth — is a fan-made expansion story for World of Warcraft Vanilla that delves deeper into exploring the original lore of the game. Guide Contents News Database Tools Guides Community Premium More. This expansion aims to take a different path WoW Classic Server Population tool sourced from active raiders on WarcraftLogs and active players on the PvP leaderboards. gg Vanilla WoW Database! This Database is currently set to show world data for Patch 1. Tooltip [] Type '/mi2' or '/mobinfo2' on the chat prompt to open the MobInfo2 options dialog. After you do that, exit the game, rename your copied MobInfo2. Defense Pets - Defensive pets typically have higher health or armor and can withstand more attacks. - ps-wow/mobinfo_classic 20/12/2024 Season of Discovery Hotfixes for December 20: Commendation Officers Now Sell Items From Other Factions Following the recent change to allow players to buy any rune from a Rune Broker for 1 copper at level 1, Blizzard If you wish to keep your mob health database, you need to make a copy of your own MobInfo2. 01 removed debug leftovers (sorry for the text spam) - cleanup code - added some archeology items too - "i want money" value updated for legion content (may need more Database restructuring; Fixed loot count when multiple mobs with the same id are looted; Allows to import version 9 and 10 MobInfo2 files. A Cost: None: Range: 0 yards (Self Only): Cast time: Instant: Cooldown: n/a: Effect #1 (2) School Damage (Fire) Value: 5 Radius: 5 yards Helps a Hunter keep his pets well fed (and the food in his inventory under control) Fan-made database UI of items, classes, professions, zones, dungeons, raids, battlegrounds, and more from World of Warcraft Classic. Database restructuring; Fixed loot count when multiple mobs with the same id are looted; Allows to import version 9 and 10 MobInfo2 files. Otherwise I'd have to attack every mob so it'd calculate the max health, and MobInfo collects data whenever you fight a Mob. Reset Sort « First ‹ Previous 1 - Adds information about the hovered mob to the tooltip and shows health/mana information in the target frame 1. Automatically highlights the Quest Reward with highest Vendor Value when you turn in a quest. Close your WoW client. 7, Classic 1. Major internal rewrite of MobInfo2 to use the Mob Id instead of the Mob Name; Added specific location tracking for Mobs; Better support for localization; Database automatically upgraded; 10. turtle-wow. Version: 6. 1 Note that the interface folder won't exist if you haven't opened the Classic client on your computer yet. 5. Added initial compression as an option . 1 Burning Crusade Classic edition but it's very bare. Items in World of Warcraft Classic. Contribute to ehatle/WoW-Classic-AddOns development by creating an account on GitHub. 1 Like for example the headless horseman bag. We are using the Nostalrius 1. However, I really think all you want is MobInfo2 with a sizable database included. However, WoW Classic does have some This race has a higher base agility than the others and can do sick flips to boot. Normal PvE and PvP servers will then transition into a fresh version of Burning Crusade Classic. 5M Downloads | Addons World of Warcraft information, help, and tools for quests, items, talents, dungeons, raids, and more! The addon is compatible with WoW The War Within 11. So I 've been trying to get mobinfo2 to work and have been unsuccessful. Addons; 1,255,803; Download Install. Contribute to delflein/MobInfo2-Classic development by creating an account on GitHub. It adds new information to the game's Tooltip whenever you hover with your mouse over a mob. 1. MobInfo-2 is a World of Warcraft AddOn that provides you with useful additional information about Mobs (ie. SoloCraft Blizzlike 3x Go to wow r/wow. 3 / 10. It is important to remember that just because these Runes are visible via datamining, that does not mean they will make it to the finished product. A complete searchable and filterable list of all Quests in World of Warcraft: Classic. 12), without errors, and combined 3 databases into 1 (deleting over a thousand German entries!). by: Luke1410, beryste, ILeClerk. lua" Step 9: Click off the file so its no longer highighted and shows "MI3_Import. Intro MobInfo-2 is a World of Warcraft AddOn that provides you with useful additional information about Mobs (ie. 15. MobInfo2-Classic. Step 7: Save and close the file Step 8: Rename the file from "MI2_Import. lua" to "MI3_Import. 14. lua" into this folder: \World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\MobInfo\ (that is the folder where the AddOn has A complete searchable and filterable list of all Armor in World of Warcraft: Classic. Major internal rewrite of MobInfo2 to use the Mob Id instead of the Mob Name. The focus for this version is to restore the functionality of the addon as it was in its previous releases. What’s inside? Etc. sh OR docker exec -it wow-classic-db bash /opt/init_vmangos. A content database for world of warcraft classic. 0 View NPC from WoW Classic. TBC . 0 World of Warcraft information, help, and tools for quests, items, talents, dungeons, raids, and more! Database restructuring; Fixed loot count when multiple mobs with the same id are looted; Allows to import version 9 and 10 MobInfo2 files. org In the future we plan to re-design it to fit our main graphic style and add an option to leave comments. 5M Downloads | Addons Adds information about the hovered mob to the tooltip and shows health/mana information in the target frame 1. Latest release We're happy to finally introduce our own database, which precisely reflects the current state of our world: custom or modified quests, new items, NPCs and game objects! https://database. I would love to IMPORT an External MobInfo Database that is LOADED! WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Edition will conclude in Winter 2025/Spring 2026. 0 Season of Discovery Updates: Rune Broke Vendor: Phase 7 PTR Testing, Loading Screen Teaser Blizzard shared a Season of Discovery update today, featuring a Rune Broker 1. 4M Downloads | Addons Database restructuring; Fixed loot count when multiple mobs with the same id are looted; Allows to import version 9 and 10 MobInfo2 files. 7, Dragonflight, WotLK Classic, 2025. 4. My Personal add ons for warcraft 1. *WORKAROUND FOR IMPORTING MY DATABASE* -- There is a bug in the current MI2 when it comes to importing MobInfo-2 is a World of Warcraft AddOn that provides you with useful additional information about Mobs (ie. 1 **There is a fairly large Vanilla WoW MobInfo database included with this release. Additional filters: Filter 1: docker exec -it wow-classic-db bash /opt/init_cmangos. Currently, fish schools and gas clouds do not have a location in Wowhead. This early version is provided as a quick hotfix to restore compatibility with WoW 6. lua" to Migration of old Addon MobInfo2 to Classic WoW. After downloading, extract the folder inside WoW / Interface / AddOns. Download World of Warcraft addon MobInfo2-Classic for versions 1. 1 Database restructuring; Fixed loot count when multiple mobs with the same id are looted; Allows to import version 9 and 10 MobInfo2 files. 20/12/2024 Season of Discovery Hotfixes for December 20: Commendation Officers Now Sell Items From Other Factions Following the recent change to allow players to buy any rune from a Rune Broker for 1 copper at level 1, Blizzard has taken another step toward making it significantly easier to catch your characters up in the current phase. 3. Rogues in Classic WoW are notorious for their stealthy skills, and they can put those skills to lucrative use. Classic Armory. It also adds a numeric display of the Mobs health and mana (current and max) to the Mob targe MobInfo-2 is a World of Warcraft AddOn that provides you with useful additional information about Mobs (ie. Contribute to beren12/wow-vanilla-addons development by creating an account on GitHub. Turtle WoW Adds information about the hovered mob to the tooltip and shows health/mana information in the target frame 1. collects is used for enhancing the game tooltip and the game target frame. I actually managed to get one version working (3. It starts off with an empty database, which fills up automatically the more you fight and play. Always up to date with the latest patch (1. x, Classic 1. Keeping this site running and improving it takes time, effort, and resources. Skip to content. MobInfo collects data whenever you fight a Mob. Members Online Some of you are losing your minds at how strong Tank damage is right now because of Vengeance and I just want you to know that this is exactly how it works - Do not witch hunt your DPS players because of it. 4, Cataclysm Classic 4. WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Now Live! The Legendary Corrupted Blood Plague/Pandemic Is Back in Season of Discovery as Players Find a Way to Spread it Once Again! Season of Discovery Phase 7 Initial PTR Development Notes; WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Arrives January 9; Beloved Bot-Buster Quits Career UPDATED NOVEMBER 18 After working through a great deal of player feedback, we’ve decided to provide some additional changes that will be a part of Anniversary Realms. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. 30/1/2024 New Runes Datamined for Phase 2 of Season of Discovery As with every piece of new WoW content, a handful of new additions for Season of Discovery Phase 2 have been datamined. Fixed issue with adding vendor prices. lua" Migration of old Addon MobInfo2 to Classic WoW. This means this database has no fish or gas. 5M Downloads | Addons A content database for world of warcraft classic. 6. Quality: clear WoW Classic - Classic Era. Unlike leveling in Retail WoW, Classic's leveling takes a lot more effort, usually taking weeks Looking for a classis vanilla wow add-on that allows you to know where crafting materials are like linen cloth or grave moss and determine what items an regular or elite enemy drops? try mobinfo2 plus a database (search mobinfo2 database on google and try a few out) Reply reply A fork of MobInfo2 attempting to work with classic wow. If you have an existing MobInfo database it is a good idea to backup this database just so you have a backup copy in a save location. While using Classic WoW Armory is, and always A complete searchable and filterable list of all Weapons in World of Warcraft: Classic. 5M Downloads | Addons MobInfo2. To learn more about WoW Classic Professions, visit this guide: WoW Classic Professions Overview. 26/11/2024 Zeroji Achieves World First Hardcore 60 in WoW Classic Anniversary Edition It’s been a thrilling race to 60 for the fresh Hardcore progression servers in WoW Classic Anniversary Edition, and we now have our first level capped character! Zeroji of <OnlyFangs> on Doomhowl (US) has managed Database restructuring; Fixed loot count when multiple mobs with the same id are looted; Allows to import version 9 and 10 MobInfo2 files. 6). A complete searchable and filterable list of all Trinkets in World of Warcraft: Classic. By ileclerk. Now you can buy items from other A complete searchable and filterable list of all Bows in World of Warcraft: Classic. What I'm looking for is a MobInfo2 Database meaning I will see every mob's max health before attacking them. lua" 4) Copy the file "MI2_Import. Instant mail between characters on the same account The removal of the buff/debuff limit Dual specs Instant mail and removal of the buff/debuff limit will be implemented at launch, and dual v11. The data it . 1 8. Easily find the Addon you are looking for by Choosing a category, Searching by name or change the expansion using the drop down on the right! Database restructuring; Fixed loot count when multiple mobs with the same id are looted; Allows to import version 9 and 10 MobInfo2 files. Most links point to this repository However it does not display any info in the tooltip Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Turtle WoW Team, inspired by the Warcraft universe of Blizzard Entertainment. About Project. I can’t seem to find a mod to do this on click or tooltip. Patreon ; Discord Github ; Log in Register PVE Achievement Points Gearscore PVP Honorable Kills Arena 2v2 Arena 3v3; Arena 5v5 Stats A WoW Classic Addon that automatically unmounts the player when using an action. 0. 12, Drums of War, but is known as 1. 4M Downloads | Addons A complete searchable and filterable list of all Items in World of Warcraft: Classic. It . lua, copy it to the MobInfo2 folder, run the game, and do the import (being sure to delete the health database again). If you wish to keep your mob health database, you need to make a copy of your own MobInfo2. 13 in the data. 11. 5, Cataclysm Classic 4. lua file from your WTF folder before doing the above. The extra 1% Dodge Racial is decent, but wisp-spirit won’t help you in Hardcore! shadowmeld is more of a PvP ability, definitely do not get any 1/10/2024 Season of Discovery Hotfixes for October 1: Cloak of Draconic Might and Essence Gatherer Buffed Today’s hotfixes are in for Phase 5 Season of Discovery, with a some tweaks World of Warcraft Classic is a faithful recreation of the original World of Warcraft—it runs a bit smoother on today’s computers, but the game still looks and feels like you’re playing World of Warcraft from 2006. 0 announcement The addon is compatibility with WoW 8. 2. Classic Era. 10511 OBJECTS TOTAL. r/wow would show a list of what that mob would drop and the % that the item would drop. Adds information about the hovered mob to the tooltip and shows health/mana information in the target frame 1. Quick links. Advertise here: Contact us at [email protected] DKPMinus WoW Private Servers and News. opponents/monsters). Learn how to effectively pickpocket, farm rare materials, and find secret treasures while staying hidden from prying eyes. Bronk Guzzlegear is located at Steelgrill's Depot in Dun Morogh, just east of Kharanos /way 50. 20 announcement. 1, not Classic). The data it collects is used for enhancing the game I've been trying to get MobInfo2 to work with Vanilla WoW (1. In this post, we lift the veil on the shadowy strategies employed by Rogues to amass wealth. Characters on Hardcore If you abandon the quest and take it (continued) The Lion Horn of Stormwind Item Many sources seem to state that this doesn't drop any more after TBC but it dropped for me yesterday from Adds information about the hovered mob to the tooltip and shows health/mana information in the target frame The Download link was recently changed to the Git-Repo for this addon Here Migration of old Addon MobInfo2 to Classic WoW. If successful, a new button will appear when you reach the character screen, which is used to list all addons installed. 24 announcement. 3 written by Ansu. Looking back on WoW history; Features. It also adds a numeric display of the Mobs health [] Classic WoW Armory is a labor of love, created and maintained by the community, for the community. com Classic WoW Database. 02 using as backup the blizzard vendor prices database v11. There are no Exotic Hunter Pets, as there are in BFA for Beast Mastery Hunters. It also adds a numeric display of the Mobs health and mana (current and max) to the Mob target frame. 5) It has been heavily ported since then & is in a stable state for anyone to use | build on | learn from. The addon is compatible with WoW Dragonflight 10. 1 Hunter Pet Categories in WoW Classic In WoW Classic, Hunter pets are classified under 3 different categories. Classic Food & Drinks. 1 - beta - 1. Weekly updates with the latest items. Fixed issue with fishing, wrong association was made. A complete database of the version/expansion in which every item was added. World of Warcraft is an MMORPG that lets players A complete searchable and filterable list of all Sounds in World of Warcraft: Classic. 1). The addon is compatible with WoW The War Within 11. Big thanks to Xerron for making it.