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Primobolan reddit wiki. 25mg-50mg on cycle and on cruises from time to time.

Primobolan reddit wiki Given the high number of people who have tried TRT within the PSSD or PFS Dosage: Oral Primobolan may be dosed at 20mgs per day to begin with and be slowly increased over the course of the cycle length if necessary. Most of the UGL testing I’ve seen done shows pretty decent results. Share From your experience and from literature. The normal dosage for the injectable primobolan is 600-800 mgs per week. Id put on as much muscle as u can on actual trt dosages instead of blasting without any muscle mass. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. com. We are going back to test C. Masteron vs Primobolan. Pimo works best when doing a lean bulk or cutting. Mast is very similar but slightly different. 8 Primo on one day and 9 on the next. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. it’s very anabolic ;) Why would you take primitive cycles from when they knew nothing about anabolics? There's no primo ester you can take once a week (even enanthate should be taken x2 week) and the amount of pills doesn't matter, the milligrams are what matter. Tips for easing pip pain: warm your oil, get a decent depth into muscle, avoid sticking it in a muscle you have or about to work out, refrain from hard massaging the area the day of, don't use hot wheat packs etc if there's swelling but do if it's just sore, ease the pin in instead of jabbing it in, gently I have low/non-existent dhea and testosterone and low bone mass at 41. The prescribing info for primobolan in Japan says that it's used at 50mg weekly or 100mg biweekly for muscle wasting, low bone density, etc. the wiki can sometimes be tedious to navigate because you have the main table of contents, but each area on the index page leads to a new area with a new table of contents. Ye clen is bad in general I have no intention of taking it unless it's for competing but I'd do 20 max but I would probably still just use hgh fragment xxx-xxx(I don't remember the numbers) it's a compound that burns fat and has no side effects as far as I'm aware need to do research but I've heard it has no side effects but people say that about sarms aswell so more research is +1. I'd say about half the time I end up missing and ending up with real bad PIP. 5g primo with some other shit. [6] It has also been used to treat osteoporosis and sarcopenia, to inhibit the natural loss of muscle mass with aging, and 47 votes, 43 comments. Finally I got Anastrozole from my pharmacy and took 1 mg every other day, not much success. Those brave enough to use esters other than undecylenate should of course feel free to contribute. Likely due to the common “500mg and shut up bro” or “test is best”. Being able to reorganize the wiki on the file system using posix tools is also something I find myself doing on the regular. In the bodybuilding subreddit, we have a "Steroid Saturday" thread, where people can ask questions, and guys from r/steroids come over to help me, and others answer them. Don't use hydrogen peroxide! Use an iodine wipe and be warmed it stains like a mofo. Masteron vs Equipoise Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. Test @200-300mg r/emulation: News and discussion about emulation. I don’t know now if I wasted my money or still works. trt join leave 26,782 readers. Sides: Possible increase in blood pressure, hair loss, acne, voice deepening, cracking, . I have zero interest in depending on any one wikis import or export functions. I believe the half life is 4-5 days, so is it every 4 days? I've also heard that golden era bodybuilders used to inject Primo once a week. Without knowing you or your history I can only say what I know to be true. We were doing keto, but now are just cutting carbs/calories. Muscle loss is an overexaggerated issue and you won't lose significant muscle unless you cut too hard; most people confuse glycogen/water for lean tissue. This isnt trt its a blast. 16-18mg a week gives her around 175-225 level which she is most happy with. This is Just wondering if Subject: Seeking Advice on Combining Primobolan with TRT (Testosterone Undecanoate) Hey! I'm considering incorporating a low dose of Primobolan (60mg per week) alongside my current TRT (Testosterone Undecanoate) protocol, which consists of 250mg of testosterone every other week. - Stanozolol boosts collagen production and mRNA. Previous Compound Experience Thread. "Bro" is a state of mind and attitude. Definitely could work, a lot of people say it has no impact on bloods but I’d still cycle off it at times if I were you. Masteron vs Equipoise So recently I've seen many questions in the Daily Ask Anything about Masteron vs Primobolan, so I thought it would be a good idea to make a post comparing the two as they are somewhat similar. Masteron and primo are different. Written by u/Khyta with help from:. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Any information on going about starting to run primo I'm already on trt going to bump up the test and add the compound. This week we are discussing Nandrolone aka NPP. Primobolan definitely helped me to have an appearance of full, round muscle bellies, even during a tough deficit. I myself love stronger compounds. 5 weeks, but automatically started lessening without AI's at week 3. Injectables . Here’s an overview of Primobolan, including its uses, benefits, and potential side effects. 5. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to post-cycle therapy and side effects. Makes life a lot easier. Closest comparison to it would probably be primo. I told him this was stupid because he is going to be messing up his natural testorone production but he quickly countered me with a bunch of facts about primobolan and how Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. Welcome to /r/boxing, reddit's home for pro boxing enthusiasts! Please check out I use Primobolan to help keep my estrogen in check (AI) and also it helps keep my water weight at bay. I loose hair and shed so cant rely on it but it worked and I got some symptom improvents for abit which was nice. 136 users here now. Also might wanna keep an eye on e2 primo will tank it if you arent a high aromatizer. yes they work. Anavar: Excels in cutting cycles, helping achieve a shredded, vascular look with excellent muscle preservation. Our objective is to create an in-depth background of performance enhancing drugs from every background while building a community around discussion of these substances. I inject my testosterone cypionate, which has an eight-day half life every 3 days. They are a very knowledgeable bunch, and can provide awesome details on what to do. Prolonged cutting cycle, lost about 100lbs during that run. I would not tell him to start at wikipedia. I am presently taking primo' tren, When considering adding either Primobolan (Methenolone) or Anavar (Oxandrolone) to your 400 mg/week blast for better results, it ultimately depends on your specific goals. I'm gonna run it with test obviously but I'm looking for feedback on what I can expect from it from people who have actually used it. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. Been "pinning" it for a year. Test E/C/D, Deca, Eq, Tren E, Primo E 50mls @ 200mgs/ml. This is the information that r/steroids uses in the wiki. /r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals & Pets It’s wild how many ppl don’t know and are lacking of the knowledge of real Bayer Primobolan acetate tablets. I am not advocating for test not to be used, rather it’s test is over used in cycle design. -Primobolan at 5 mg/kg increases collagen synthesis by ~180%. Shoutout to u/vaultdweller1223 for suggesting this week's compound. But I don't think anyone knows the appropriate dose for a given dose of primobolan due to lack of studies/"case reports" of this being done with enclomiphene (rather than clomiphene) and primobolan at performance-enhancement doses. Since interactions between TRT and AAS are a totally different animal than what we usually discuss here and in the realm of Can I ask what company, (assuming your "rommie," isn't doing "independent research"), that your rommie is with? I like my TRT doc as a person, and he is reasonable with TRT, however when discussing different options, things have to fall within what he has witnessed in the past, and isn't open to exploring different options, ie: I was a non responder for about 4 months, then my Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. This week we are discussing Boldenone (Equipoise/EQ). It was rumored to be one of the secret weapons of the 70s that only a few pros had access to such as Arnold Primobolan is popular among bodybuilders and athletes for its mild anabolic properties and relatively low androgenic effects. Bulgaria. If I want to keep feeling the feeling of 375mg test e, should I stay on that dose despite the primobolan and proviron added, or can I lower the test e dose and still feel the same thanks to the primobolan and proviron added? I was thinking of running 100mg - 200mg primobolan and 25mg - 11 votes, 56 comments. The Benefit/Side ratio is arguably the best in the I have 6 bottles of primobolan 200mg. No AI as I've felt low estrogen since starting primo. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. You change by the day visually it’s literally that good and its interesting that people think that comment is being a smart arse. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals & Pets Wiki Compound Profile: Here. r/steroids go there and read the wiki. 5D). 10mg dbol ED and primo ace EOD at 1-2g per week is a good cycle for cutting and bulking. I’m 50 years young and doing strength training 6 days a week for muscle growth. Each heading will describe a feature and feature individual sections, one for an average user and the other for the subreddit moderator. It’s the only guaranteed mainstay besides Test in every blast from now on. A little is fine, hardly noticeable, but too much isn’t great Posted by u/SpareTechnician9194 - 6 votes and 10 comments. Possibly thinking going with an oral version first just to see if I have any bad side effects. People always say it is Dbol's little brother but I stopped diol and went back to tbol because the gains were identical for me except with TBOL there was zero water retention and my estrogen wasn't skyrocketed. I inject every day: 9mg Test E with 8-9mg Primo E. Usually 2-3 months at a time. Anecdotally, this doesn't seem to be the case which is the reason behind my question. then be a coach for atleast 10 clients. I would class myself as a decent aromatizer however. So for example if you are at supra-physiological levels of test, your body will try and reach homeostasis and raise the e2. 168 votes, 149 comments. Primobolan isn’t faked nearly as much as it was years ago. We wanted primo so bad but she broke out like a teenager in the third day for the last entire month. Plus your bp might go up. 5 ml/125mg. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. Or check it out in the app stores Home; Popular; TOPICS. It is given by injection into muscle. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals & Pets primo is a better option for females and oral primobolan is better for women Oral Primobolan contains the Acetate ester which makes it act faster compared to the injectable Our mission is to help rid the world of bad steroids, misinformation on AAS, SARMs, peptides and doping in general, as well as training, nutrition and harm reduction. Unlike anavar it’s almost non-consequential on health markers. I’m considering upping test to 300mg per week and adding 200 mg of primo and 40mg of Anavar for 12 weeks. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Not to mention legitimate primobolan can help control estrogen, so if you are taking test plus and AI plus legitimate primobolan, you risk putting your estrogen in the toilet. Hoping for a extra fullness during my deficit and maybe some slow gains over my cruise. 2 comments; share This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Harm reduction focused discussions related to safe usage of AAS, TRT or hormone replacement with the exception of sourcing information. Press J to jump to the feed. Anavar vs Primobolan for keepable gains? Depends. So I figured that it was about that much would be good enough. Or check it out in the app stores   General questions about the compound that are answered by the wiki, or would be better suited for the Ask Anything thread Primobolan vs Masteron. r/juresanguinis: For help with and info about acquiring Italian citizenship through the process of "right of blood" also known as jure sanguinis or Just wondering what people's injection frequency is when using Primobolan. New comments cannot be posted and /r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. Archived post. By week 4 the pain was gone entirely. The last post was a year ago and a lot of new users have joined since then, so Posted by u/The_whiskey_Don - 4 votes and 11 comments Thinking about running Primobolan on top of 250 mg test. (edit: the wiki has since been updated) The new data that Steroidplot uses is based on the results of this study (see my post in r/scholar). Also, I am on Stanozolol 10 mg 2 pills twice a day, T4 100 mcg once a day, T3 25 mcg once a day, HGH 2 IU once a day, clenbuterol 40 This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. These threads are extremely useful as an archive for new users, and for experienced As always, read the entry in the wiki (if applicable) and follow the rules. The study on the wiki for primo on r/steroids suggests that primo is as effective as test. For me, Tbol gave nice clean gains. Although it was widely used in the past, the drug has mostly been discontinued and hence is now mostly only av Metenolone, or methenolone, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) which is used in the form of esters such as metenolone acetate (brand name Primobolan, Nibal) and metenolone enanthate (brand name Primobolan Depot, Nibal Injection). This page aims to give an overview on how Reddit's wiki system works from a perspective of both users and moderators. This week we are discussing Primo aka Methenolone. I did 150 test c per week and 100mg primobolan e a week. If you don’t PCT then you’ll lose 90% of the gains. I hear Balkan is a popular destination for high quality and cheap steroids, e. Primobolan Depot: Dosage: Primobolan, like Anavar, is a relatively side-free compound. So is my best bet to inject Primo like every today's to stick to close to half of the half life, just like testosterone cypionate? It's so diet related as far as benefits are concerned they're both great drugs but primobolan takes longer to get effects but it holds longer as well. My bench went up consistently 5 lbs every week and the gains remained after stopping. Then after 20 weeks go say week 21 400 test 22 300 23 200 24 back to Cruise etc rinse and repeat but imo you only Got a certian amounts of blast in your body before your age and body gets affected in a bad Way then its just Cruise til you pass of age Masteron is like salt, it goes on everything. I’d agree with your suggestion of masteron too. And first time using anavar too at 7mg daily. 10g powder 17. Then if everything is still going good and you aren’t getting sides, bump it up to 10 mg every 3 days. Anavar euphoria and pump on 50mg pre-workout is insane. then go read some books. 600mg test e, 300mg primo e, daily subq. 100mg Primobolan Enanthate = 71mg Primo. I was curious if anyone else has dabbled with it and what was your experience? If looking to recomp (burn fat and build muscle at same time) can do test and anavar, or do something like 400 test, 200 primobolan, anavar. This week we are actually discussing Primobolan (Primo/Met [h]enolone). And maybe added estrogen so you dont get low AF on the DHTs. It was rumored to be one of the secret weapons of the 70s that only a few pros had access to such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and some other European bodybuilders. Primobolan and trenbolone can be stacked, but it would be a waste of the primo imho. There are much better sources out there, including r/steroids. Everything on this sub pointed to high e2. If you're on mobile, you press the Menu button at the top of the subreddit and the Wiki link is in there. I hate having my wiki “locked” away in a database. Learn about the benefits and risks of steroids, how to use them safely. For example, I'd go. As always, read the entry in the wiki (if applicable) and follow the rules. This led to considerable demand. (I guess this would be I was wondering how labs will be affected too. Does anyone tried primobolan capsules 50 mg? I just ordered, but realized that most of everyone use it as injectable 200-400 mg for cycle. Looking for Testosterone replacement therapy? Start here! We are a community dedicated to it. Metenolone, as its esters, is used almost exclusively in the treatment of anemia due to bone marrow failure. No AI. depending on what total MG's you need, you can do things as simple as 300 test 300 primo and maintain a very dry well pumped up physique the entire time, whilst steadily adding protein. I currently run 100 MG test every 4 days and 100MG primo once weekly as TRT. Posted by u/CPTherptyderp - 2 votes and 26 comments For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Read the r/steroids wiki or something because you don't know very much if you're asking this question And you don't need drugs to get to 10-12% bodyfat. I got into a heated discussion and many disagreed and thought that Primobolan was not safe (at low dosages) for long term. Mentally puts me in a good mood, some agitation, for sure some arrogance. . My E/P is okay, peak E on day 21 was 145 and P was 11 but given that the T and DHEA are non existent (and normal/mid range SHBG) I think I should start with TRT first before eventually starting with E and P. If my bloods are stable at these dosages is there any danger to running Primo indefinetly as an adder to my TRT? Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. The half-lives for the most part correspond to the second list, with some minor differences. Especially my delts had a very pronounced round look. For me Primo is almost too effective at lowering mine at times. Please, discuss away. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS General questions about the compound that are answered by the wiki, or would be better suited for the Ask Anything thread; Masteron vs Primobolan. Metenolone esters are used mainly in the treatment of anemia due to bone marrow failure. Super underrated. Bloodwork was fine. 2M subscribers in the Boxing community. Previous Compound Experience Thread: Here. I’m on TRT 180 per week and mk677 with rad150. Dosage: For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. i haven't used primo solo or even the classic golden age primo+dbol cycle, but i generally ran high primo in the last 5 o 6 years of using - my last cycle was ~1. my football team uses this exact stack. The goal of these threads is to gather a wide variety of user experiences and feedback. Cosmetically maybe like a baby primobolan. This week we are discussing Oxandrolone aka Anavar or Var. But I took Anavar and it works. then come tell me if the dosages and cycle i suggested wasn't well thought one. Won’t give as intense of short term results but also won’t hit your liver given it’s an injectable. 178K subscribers in the moreplatesmoredates community. Primobolan has always been considered one of the safer steroids. Some people have also recovered by taking high doses of Testosterone Enanthate, Proviron, and more advanced stuff like Primobolan and Trenbolone. Can't really speak about strength gains, maybe it gave me a slight boost, hard to tell. I usually stay around 15% myself and have ran Masteron several times without much success but that's just me. While masteron gives you always a sort of roid rage all the time, with primo you are always pretty calm and you feel very good, but a thing i have noticed with primo and mast on trt is that you can’t keep them all year round (at least for me). TRT w/ Primobolan [Experience] Just added 100mg of Primo on top of my TRT regimen (60mg Cyp E3. 100mg Primobolan Acetate = 82mg Primo. Same. The official subreddit community for the Youtube channel More Plates PRIMO is a slow acting compound that many women use due to lower side effects. Yes, but it’ll look like fat, since water can’t Convert to muscle Whereas you can burn fat and get more muscle. For me Primobolan is ideally run for a long cycle and dose would depend on your cycle history and amount of mass you have accrued. trust. Wiki Compound Profile. if u want some actual size run monster plexx and primobolan (both hi tech pharma products) this stack will give u size. get reddit premium. Would it be better to dose subQ ED, let's say you do 400mg a week. Read the Metenolone enanthate, or methenolone enanthate, sold under the brand names Primobolan Depot and Nibal Injection, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which is used mainly in the treatment of anemia due to bone marrow failure. Reddit seems to get the job done Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I've recently started primobolan e, and my long thick hair is now fucked 4 weeks in. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals & Pets Primobolan IM vs subQ . The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide I was feeling great on TRT, then i started to have night sweats, hot flashes, low libido, headaches, weird dreams. If you do PCT and come off correctly then you’ll keep some gains but you’ll put on body fat and look more normal-big, not juiced/shredded-big. I have been using primo on trt for 10 weeks. So my results= best risk/benefit ration is anavar. Unfortunately, the prohibitive price Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts 10 votes, 31 comments. Share Metenolone enanthate, or methenolone enanthate, sold under the brand names Primobolan Depot and Nibal Injection, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which is used mainly in the treatment of anemia due to bone marrow failure. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to This is basically just the wiki in PDF form. 5 weeks. Posted by u/Bulky_Standard_4838 - 1 vote and 36 comments Primobolan Acetate exists in oral and raw powder form, but I think, for a host of reasons, it’s impractical to use if you’ve already used AAS before (by design, about 50% bioavailability, requires about twice the target dose, gets pricey for no Bro if your on trt just use it for Cruise anyway really very simple, say blast for 20 weeks go 500 mg test and 600mg primo if its legit. Masteron vs Equipoise. I've never used any products except the basic protein or pre workout supplements. Superdrol, anavar, t-bol, anadrol, and low-dose halo-test. It basically has EVERYTHING you need to know and will answer 99% of newcomers (and even experienced users) generic questions. Nipples began hurting at 2. - HGH at 6 iu/day increases the collagen deposition rate by around 250% in damaged collagen structures. I was curious about what people's experiences were with it, what phase (bulking or cutting), and how you Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. lets say you have a peak cycle dosage of 10mg/kg/bw. Just make sure to run at least half a gram a week of test with either one (like 500 test/400 primobolan or masteron), you probably won't need much else except training really well and making sure As always, read the entry in the wiki (if applicable) and follow the rules. Estradiol, it’s the female sex hormone that normally rises when your testosterone rises too. It was the most stable and least side affects. How bad is Primobolan really on health markers (lipid levels, kidney/liver function, etc)? What’s the longest cycle you’ve done with it? And how did it affect your health markers? I’m looking to do a year long cycle, I’ve concluded primo is one of the safest options that produce good results. Share Sort by: Best. Libido increased and erections began at 2. So I am a boxing coach and a 16 year old I have is using primobolan. I use it year round at varying doses. Mast is about 80% as good as primo (anabolism wise), but typically 50% cheaper. New comments cannot be posted. Share Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. I am currently on testosterone cypionate 250mg/ml twice a week of dose 0. Howdy, Simmers! We've made some changes around here. from my experience the frist couple days ur very tired but within a week it’s gone and u just get big gains bro. The about page on the site lists the new half-lives. Primobolan :1-Methyl-δ1-4,5α-dihydrotestosterone The wiki on the steroids sub suggests 500mg test a week for a first cycle while I’ve seen people on this sub discourage even 400mg a u/EncyclopaediaBot is our bot that makes this wiki and post based encyclopaedia possible. Could you split the dosage 400 primo / 7 days = 57mg ED @ 100mg - 1ML Help us help you by first checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki and reviewing Rule 7. [7] It has also been used to treat wasting syndromes due to major surgery, infection, long-term corticosteroid therapy, malnutrition, or other causes. Discussing sources will get you banned. Gaming. My wife has taken, equipoise, test E and currently Primobolan. Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. Primobolan shouldn't be run more then 12 weeks at a time and anything you add to trt is its an incredibly effective cycle. 195 votes, 106 comments. Primobolan reddit wiki. Now I am taking 1 mg everyday and finally E2 sides are going away. 1 kull. 200mg/ml. Hi! It’s my first post here. Note: Comments violating these few simple guidelines will be removed. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals & Pets Does anyone have any experience with oral primobolan acetate, is it as effective as the injectable Archived post. I'm on week 4 on TRT (125 e5d) and I really thought my depressive symptoms would improve with TRT but unfortunately I feel Is this your first primo cycle? This is the best if it’s your first: Primobolan Enanthate, start with 5mg every 3 days. This provides a useful archive for new users, and for experienced To answer your question, test only for first cycle. Reddit Wiki System Guide. Valheim 25mg-50mg on cycle and on cruises from time to time. Or check it out in the app stores General questions about the compound that are answered by the wiki, or would be better suited for the Ask Anything thread Primobolan Compound Profile. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS. anything else I should run with it? 432 votes, 95 comments. This week we are discussing 1-Test, Dihydroboldenone or DHB The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. If you have a compound you'd like covered feel free to message me directly! Looking to add primobolan to test cycle. I’ve been burned before and its time and energy I’ll never get back. My guess is that test would have more visible results since primo is dryer, which is why some people think test is better than primo. I’m going to start adding in runs of Primobolan. In my country guys start using steroids as early as high school and the illegal use is extremely widespread among men of all ages. Primo is the Pfizer to Tren’s Johnson & Johnson. 2. true. This way Test levels are the same every day and in upper biological levels, but the level of total androgen is twice biological levels. Google says 4-7 Day half life. i suggest starting with anabolics 11th edition. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. 5ml Ethyl Oleate (EO) Dry steroids like Anavar, Winstrol, Primobolan, and Masteron are favored for lean muscle gains with minimal water retention. Going 1:1 with testosterone. I ended up titrating Primobolan to 500mg weekly and still had no impact on E2 sides. Gaming cutting cycle of 500mg weekly and want to throw something else in for that extra boost thinking of either masteron or primobolan Locked post. Metenolone acetate, or methenolone acetate, sold under the brand names Primobolan and Nibal, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which is used mainly Primobolan actually lowers e2 where Masteron just masks the side. u/Nugget_MacChicken - technical support and ideas ; LarsZauberer on GitHub - technical support and ideas; u/SolariaHues - the rubber duck/helping to overcome limitations, testing the bot and ideas; The r/NewToReddit mod team - support, Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Metenolone acetate is taken by mouth, while metenolon Primo e 200 has been smooth as butter for me. g. This is why bridging with Metheneolone is an extremely stupid decision vapamore mr 100 primo parts users can take. 249K subscribers in the Brogress community. As far as your stated opinion regarding when to use AAS I will say this (and please don't take it personal or as an attack of any kind); that's complete broscience bullshit that all those slapdicks from the board forums preach and just to further explain think about this, if you just TLDR: Testosterone 200mg/mL week, Primobolan Enanthate 100mg/mL week (as AI); started at exact same time. Shouldn’t need an ai with 2:1 test:primo ratio Reply reply More replies More replies More replies More replies Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Masteron Comparison Thread Depends on your size, previous AAS usage. Hell even if I am hitting the right area, I am pretty sure I either don't go deep enough or go too deep and right through the muscle. I crashed and dont respond to TRT testosterone at all. For the purposes of this page, we will use SUB in the place of a Primobolan is amazing stuff, one of my favorite compounds I ever used in the past 24 almost 25 years of steroid usage. Tried a lot of orals. Posted by u/RoidBible - 2 votes and no comments Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Unfortunately, this subreddit is only for discussions regarding TRT for females - for AAS and TRT r/steroidsxx is a better fit. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; along with vigorous Steve and Derek at more plates more dates, finding out that legit primobolan does in-fact compete for the aromatase enzyme, effectively lowering E2. 14 votes, 52 comments. Possibly, since it seems to work with SARMS, and with low doses of testosterone and estradiol, DHT and fluoxymesterone*. lets flesh the point out a bit more then. Now we have our very own Wiki page! You can click here to find it, or you can just navigate to the top of the page where there's a little Wiki button beneath the subreddit banner. 1st time I got ok results off 350mg on top of 500mg test, then I went to 500/500 with great results that deminished next cycle, now it's 700mg primo 500mg test to get good results. As always, read the Such as Primobolan, Masteron , Proviron, Anavar, DHB. For those unaware, each week however often we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. For coaching inquires email palifter@protonmail. Open comment sort My bf got Methenolone Acetate 25mg oral tabs (50 total). r/Brogress is representative of that: The I ran 150 test/75 primo weekly for 17 months. the entire thing. I had next to no side effects, at times it was like I wasn’t even using anything at all in regards to sides. Stay on that for 2-3 weeks (to assess how your body reacts to the compound, and to take saturation into account). Started Mast because I really enjoyed the ‘DHT benefits’ of Var but really didn’t like the side effects and I really like it. It purportedly doesn’t build muscle quite as well (but close). Pip for me is mild (Def feel it Primobolan has always been considered one of the safer steroids.