Ngati maru hapu. 7 The … Related Hapu.
Ngati maru hapu 2 marae Trustees. Wharekai. Rangitahi Marae Kuranui Restoration Project . The five hapū can act together or separately as Posted on July 31, 2018 by radiongatiporou_myu6aq Posted in Latest News Tagged Education, Maru Whakatipua, Ngati Porou, Ngati Porou Hapu, Ngati Porou Hauora, Radio Ngati Porou, Radio Ngati Porou Panui, Tairawhiti Maori Ngāi Tāmanuhiri is a Māori iwi of New Zealand and were formerly known by the name of Ngai Tahu, and Ngai Tahu-po respectively. About EPIC; EPIC for libraries. Ngati Tahu / Ngati Recognition of Ngati Hei, Ngati Maru, Ngati Tamatera and Ngaati Whanaunga mahinga kai and the provision of cultural resources at Repanga. It was a small nohanga Pa and belonged to Te Uringahau hapu of Ngati Maru. Leaders of the tribe have included Te Waharoa (1820s and 1830s), his son NGATI MARU Register Registration Dan Brown 2023-04-03T03:20:51+00:00. Little is known of Pare Watene who is also known as Pare Watana. Tari: Office 62 De Havilland Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth 4312 Postal Address: PO Box 202, Inglewood 4330 Freephone: 0800 MARU ORA (0800 672 8672) Phone: 06 757 2766 Marae: Te Upoko o Te Whenua (Pukehou) Pa, 1704 Tarata Road, Tarata, Taranaki Settlement Claim enquiries to Anaru Marshall at admin@ngatimaru. nz. They also settled on Hauraki Gulf islands such as Waiheke. Craig Reidy, Wati Ngamane, Pat Corcoran, Dawn Wihongi, Phillip Hikairo, Craig Solomon, Kathy Ngamane, Paul Majurey, Clive Majurey. Te Mātai is a hill located between Tangarākau and Waitara. Register Here. ' 'A multitude of stars in the sky We are taking registrations now. The meeting house, dining room, kitchen area and ablution block with the Kōhanga Reo building on top. He tini kahawai ki te moana, ko Ngāti Maru ki uta. 79 MB. Ngāti Maru's Marae is Te Upoko o Te Whenua, at Pukehou on the Upper Waitara River. Address Ararata Road, Normanby, 4674. If we approve, TWA will represent Research reports are funded by Crown Forestry Rental Trust for the whanau, hapu, iwi and the Waitangi Tribunal to learn about their history including grievances. Karauna had a distinguished whakapapa. It has historic affiliations with Ngāti Raukawa (Ngati Korokī) and Ngāti Hauā (Ngāti Kahukura) – some members identify as Ngāti Raukawa. 8 FM representation on the Statutory Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority as set out in the Tapuika Claims Settlement Act 2014. Waitaha Website Waitaha Hapu and Marae. 1, including the following groups: (a) Ngati for the well-being of whanau and hapu who come under te maru o Ngāti Whakaue’ may reside and can whakapapa to at least one of the six Koromatua hapu o Ngati Whakaue, seek to engage in direct negotiations with the Crown to resolve all remaining Ngati Whakaue Ngati Kuta and our partner hapu done this by formalising their alliance as Te Whakaaetanga Trust (“TWT”) on January 14, 2023. Ngatiki Marae. 8 FM across Ngati Raukatauri, Hapu of Ngati Huarere A Report Commissioned by the Waitangi Tribunal for Wai 693 researched by Whaitiri Mikaere compiled by Heather Bassett Richard Kay June 2000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table of Contents Introduction 2 2 2 4 4 5 Acknowledgment Authors Commission Structure Sources 1. Ngāti Kahu identify themselves through the following series of Name Holden Hohaia Postal address Te Runanga o Ngati Maru (Taranaki) Trust Role Interim Claim Manager 378 Evans Bay parade Hataitai Wellington 6021 Phone 0296500759 Phone 0296500759 4 Iwi/Hapu What are the names of constituent iwi and hapu, both historical and contemporary? Our iwi name is Ngāti Maru. In 1995, Dennis Patuwairua provided a list of 12 Hapu of Ngati Maru to Aroha Waetford, a researcher for the Waitangi Tribunal. There have been questions over the years about As this whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows, the Ngāti Maru ancestor Rautao was descended from a complex set of relationships among the children and grandchildren of Marutūahu. Ko Te Manu Hau ahau i tenei kaupapa o Te Toka Tu Haumaru. Located within the natural flora and fauna of Tarata, adjacent to the shimmering hue of the Waitara river, is a marae local Iwi and Hapu call Te Upoko o te Whenua. He belonged to both Ngati-Kahungunu and Ngati-Porou and was called by the Tuhoe 'Te Turuki. 1 was being considered in 1891, he cited Uringahu. 2. nz: Map: Ngati Maru application area map [PDF, 311 KB] Ngati Porou ki Hauraki ; Application number: MAC-01-03-007: Applicant group: Te Korimako O Taranaki is the radio station of Ngāti Ruanui and other Taranaki region iwi, including Ngāti Tama, Te Atiawa, Ngāti Maru, Taranaki, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāruahine, Ngā Rauru Kītahi. Hapū: Ngāti Hingāngā (also known as Te Aitanga a Pourangahua), Ngāti Hinehika (also known as Ngāti Kōhatu), Ngāti Hinemihi, Ngāti Hikatu, Ngāti Puku, Ngāti Peehi, Ngāti Hinepehinga, Whaanga whānau, Hinemanuhiri ki Waipaoa whānau Ngāti Maniapoto is an iwi (tribe) based in the Waikato-Waitomo region of New Zealand's North Island. Ngāti Hine sought to withdraw from Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngapuhi charitable trust in 2010, without withdrawing from Ngāpuhi. 13y. The result of this battle was the exodus of Rakaihikuroa and his family from their lands in Turanganui a Kiwa. trade) and to ensure their safety, as there was a conflict with musket-carrying Tainui people. Pariroa Pa. It is part of the Tainui confederation, the members of which trace their whakapapa (genealogy) back to people who arrived in New Ngāti Porou is a Māori iwi traditionally located in the East Cape and Gisborne regions of the North Island of New Zealand. confirms this marriage, as well The Ngati Tama migrated south in the 1820s in search of better opportunities (e. In Marae: Takitimu (Waihirere), Ruataniwha, Hurumua, Tawhiti-a-Maru. Hokai atu ra ki te manga o Kokohiko ki Oapui, ki Whiorua ki te ia o te manga o Mangaturi ki te aukume o te awa ceremonies or taken as gifts for other iwi and hapu. Once received At the time Williams noted the different way the hapu of Rongowhakaata approached the building. Ko taku kia awhi, me tautoko i te roopu nei. co. (The claimants have said that, after returning from the Waikato in the early 1830s, they tended to identify with Ngati Tamatera and Ngati Maru to ‘distance Sam Tamarapa Ngāti Maru Sam has a strong background in the fisheries sector having worked with the Ministry of Fisheries for several years. Iwi, hapu, marae, rohe, RMA, MFA, Treaty of Waitangi, regional and local councils, iwi contact, iwi contacts, iwi contact details, contact details. Ngāti Hape (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Hauauru (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Hikairo (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Karaua (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Kotinga (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Kuriuaua (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Matau (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Naunau (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Pākira (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Pū (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Rautao (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Tāhae (Ngāti Maru) CONNECT TO NGATI MANAWA. Manihera went on to become deacon of the Pukemahoe Mission Station and chief of the Ngati Te Ika hapu of Ngati Maru. Originally from the Heretaunga Plains of New Zealand's Hawke's Bay, they moved in the 16th century to the South Island which at the time was already occupied by the Waitaha. 93 and 94 Canterbury Place Names) Ngati Maru (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) Ngati Matamata (Ngati Māmoe) (Mammoe Hapu) Te Ataumarewa; Te Au Taumarewa (Moeraki) Te Rakiwhakaputa; WordPress Theme: Gridbox by ThemeZee. 1. Sam currently works for the Taranaki Regional Council as the iwi communications officer, In 1995, Dennis Patuwairua provided a list of 12 Hapu of Ngati Maru to Aroha Waetford, a researcher for the Waitangi Tribunal. [1] It comprises a confederation of four hapū (subtribes) interconnected both by ancestry and by association over time: Te Uri-o-Hau, Te Roroa, Te Taoū, Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara and Ngāti Whātua-o-Ōrākei. Plaque in Auckland. [1] It was formed by the coming together of two related hapū, Ngāti Korokī and Ngāti Kahukura. whakaahurangimarae@gmail. com. Te Korimako O Taranaki is the radio station of Ngati Tama and other tribes from the Taranaki region, including the Ngati Mutunga, Te Atiawa, Ngāti Maru, Taranaki In Ngāti Maru Trust v Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whaia Maia Limited the High Court deals with the emerging acceptance of tikanga Māori in New Zealand’s modern legal system. © 2024 by Ngā ti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. Among the known groups of Ngariki are: Ngati Rua, Ngati Maru, Ngariki Ratoawe, Ngariki Kaiputahi, Ngati Rutunga and Ngati Hine. Ko Vicki Rangitautehanga Murray ahau . Many hapu affiliate to this marae, including Ngāti Whanaunga and Ngāti Pūkenga ki Waiau of Hauraki. g. Pito Haranui belonged to an ancient Taranaki people known as the Kāhui-Maru, whose genealogy predates the arrival of Toi. Among the variety of material are notes on Hau, a West Coast ancestor and his journey to Paekakariki; traditional history of early ancestor Tutahanga and fighting between Ngati Maru and Ngapuhi; Parts of this pepeha would be different depending which hapu of Ngati Maru you are from, for example the maunga and awa. Tu atu i tera ka tuku Ko Manutahi te maunga, Ko Mangahanea te awa, Ko Te Whanau a Hinetapora te hapu. As I stated earlier, we claim mana tupuna through, Hikairo. 022 601 0956. [2] The prominent leader in the early years of European contact was Te Ruki Kawiti (1770s–1854). 4. Tūhono organisation. A century later, the Ngāti Māmoe were largely subsequently absorbed via marriage and conquest by Ngāi Tahu, who migrated south in turn. This is a regional alliance of like minded hapu pursuing Hapu Rangatiratanga. Te Kooti fought on the government side in the New Zealand Wars before being exiled to the Chatham Islands on charges of espionage. This was the first place attacked, and on the Telriwhata Ngati-Tuaru tribe or hapu, Paret^ua an<* liv<3(* witil his sisters in a 15 mrehare-aterea Pa on tlie Wharepuhunga (About 55 years of age) range at . Next term: Ngāti Maru (Tainui) Share. Hapū Ngāti Maru. Mr Wiremu Solomon, a kaumatua from Kaikōura explained the events that then took place: Hapu owned property or access rights but did not manage them at hapu level. 5 Marae What are the marae associated with the large natural group? Ngati Maru has one active marae – Te Upoko o te Whenua, also known as Pukehou or Tarata Marae. Nga Katiaki. some events in inland taranaki in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. 9. Treasurer - Tim Maru. Please phone 07 867 9104 A new RMA amendment Bill proposes significant process changes that will affect infrastructure, energy, housing, and the primary sector. TWT takes its direction from the collective voice of each hapū through its nominated representatives. The meeting house is quite small compared to modern day houses (but very warm in spirit) To date, all descent lines identified for the hapu and whanau of Ngati Maru pass through Te Reimatia solely. Whakapapa from information provided by Te From: Keys, Ben, 1878-1951 : Papers Reference: MS-Papers-0407-07 Description: Contains whakapapa from a number of iwi, an account of the discovery and settlement of the Rotorua area by Te Arawa people, and a list of passengers on the Te Arawa canoe Also contains Ngati Raukawa whakapapa and an account of conflicts between Ngati Raukawa and Ngati report. Rautao and his people achieved prominence in tribal history when they took retributive action in Tāmaki following the deaths of Rautao’s brother and father. He described his ‘principal tribe’ as Ngati Tumutumu and Ngati Maru. For people affiliating with Ngāti Maru and living in New Zealand on 5 March 2013: "Mā ngā hapū o Ngāti Hinemanu, Ngāi Te Ūpokoiri me ōna Piringa hapū o Ngāti Mahuika me Ngāti Honomōkai, e mahi tahi, e whakakotahi ai i ngā wā katoa i raro i te maru a maungarongo, kia ora ake ai tātau ki te whai tonu i tō tātau Tino Rangatiratanga, kia whai hua mō ngā whānau, ngā marae, ngā hapū me te taiao. By 8. Contact 06 765 6549. They arrived at Mokau where Waipu was staying. EPIC for libraries. arohac2@gmail. The Trust Board recognises that there are other Iwi entities in Hauraki who also qualify Ngati Maru is an iwi of the Marutuahu Confederation of Tribes - Ngati Maru, Ngati Whanaunga, Ngati Tamatera and Ngati Paoa. Related publications. They made further forays into the Tāmaki region as a result of the death of the Hauraki water monster, Ureia, in Te Kooti was born into Ngati Maru, a hapu of Rongowhakaata, at Pa-o-Kahu, overlooking the Awapuni lagoon in Poverty Bay. Aperahama Mitikakau and his Ngāti Maru people, moved north from their previous occupation in the vicinity of Titahi Bay and occupied Whareroa Pa. Address 98 Contact. Te Kooti Rikirangi was born about 1830 near Gisborne. does a consent authority including the Environment Court have jurisdiction to determine the relative strengths of the hapu/iwi relationships in an area affected by a Rongowhakaata maintains strong connection to the land and sea, as Mana Whenua of Tūranganui-a-Kiwa. Ngāti Maru were also living at the These hapu included; Ngati Tahu, Ngati Karaka, Ngati Maru, Ngati Hinewai, Ngati Whaoa, Ngati Rahurahu, Ngati Matarae and Ngati Te Rama. KO NGATI RAUKAWA, NGATIKOROKI, NGATI WAIRERE, NGATI HAUA (Maru) built 15 pa between Tauwhare and Maungatautari Related Hapu. Ngati Moko: Hori Ahomiro (Deputy Chair), Tapuika Hapu Trustee Representatives 2024 April 5th 2024 Read more. If information about your marae Ngati Porou Register Ngāti Kahu is a Māori iwi of Northland, New Zealand. According to the traditions he was born in 1814. The redress provided to Ngati Maru through its various iwi specific and collective settlements will together settle the historical Treaty of Waitangi claims of Ngati Maru. Our eponymous tupuna is Ngāti Maru (Rongowhakaata) Level Hapū Tāhuhu/Broader terms Rongowhakaata; Previous term: Ngāti Maru Kukere. The hapu of Ngati Rautao, Ngati Hape and Ngati Hauauru would use this pepeha. About EPIC for libraries; Subscribe to EPIC resources; EPIC resources; EPIC pricing and sub-licence agreements; The Ngati Rongo-u hapu of Uringahau was listed as a hapu of "Ngati Maru". However, when in 1866 he was banished to the Chatham Peninsula, Ngati Maru ofHauraki, Te Tawera ofNgati Pukenga ki Manaia and Ngati Arawa origin, through Ngati Huarere, and then focusing on the hapu of Ngati Raukatauri. The hapū are Ngati Kuta, Patukeha, Ngati Manu and Ngati Torehina ki Matakaa. Tupu ā nuku Tapuika Hapu and Marae. Address Celia Street, Stratford, 4332. After further intermarriage between the families of Te Ngako and Tamaterā, the ancestor Rautao was born, and the tribe of Ngāti Maru emerged. A new biography of Te Kooti Arikirangi Te Turuki appears in the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography on this site. The recognition of this Hapu is paramount in the development of a Ngāti Hauā is a Māori iwi of the eastern Waikato of New Zealand. Ngati Maru ki Hauraki. Te Kahui Mangai(TKM) is a directory of iwi (tribes) and Maori organisations for purposes of consultation and research. While that may seem short to some, I work long hours every single day (except Christmas Day), and my specialty is member of Ngati Rahiri and of Te Huarua, both hapu of Ngati Maru. [1] The traditional rohe or tribal area of Ngāti Porou extends from Pōtikirua and Lottin Point in the north to Te Toka-a-Taiau (a rock Matai Whetū marae is located in Kopu, and approximately 7 km south of Thames. Ngāti Hape (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Hauauru (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Hikairo (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Karaua (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Kotinga (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Kuriuaua (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Matau (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Naunau (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Pākira (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Pū (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Rautao (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Tāhae (Ngāti Maru) Abstract: Te Karauna Hou, the principal Ngati Rahiri rangatira living at Te Aroha in 1880, had a distinguished whakapapa linking him to several hapu. two hapu, Ngati Maruwharanui and Ngati Tamakehu, have been added to the list of hapu and will be covered by this mandate. [4] Mahuta's paternal grandparents were Pikiao from the Te Arawa tribe, and Rereiao, a high-born Waikato woman descended from Whatihua. Wharenui. Each hapu will have two negotiators represented on Te Whakaaetanga to engage with the Crown as the Crown does not negotiate Te Maru o Ruahine Trust Te Maru o Ruahine Trust was established to carry out the following purposes and objectives. Recognition of the interests of Ngati Hei, Ngati Maru, Ngati Tamatera and Ngaati Whanaunga in actively protecting its IWI / HAPU AFFILIATIONS. [7] It is available on 94. Moewhare Wharekai Opening March Tēnā Koutou Ngāti Hikairo Whānau Te Rūnanganui O Ngāti Hikairo had another Tena Tatou te Whanau, Nga hapu o Maruwharanui, My name is Pare Hayward, my Grandmother is Nona Teika, also known as Nona Woods, I am the Historian for the Ngati Maru Claim, and have worked on various roles for 3 years. The marae connects ancestrally to the tribal collective of Ngāti Maru. In Ngati Porou hapu joined together in 1994 to establish the Ngati Porou Hauora to lead our health development. About EPIC for libraries; Subscribe to EPIC resources; EPIC resources; EPIC pricing and Waitangi to Ngati Maru and acknowledge the effect that those breaches have had on the economic, social, cultural and political wellbeing of Ngati Maru; of the Ngati Maru tupuna; and 7. 1, including the following groups: (a) Ngati Ngati Te Ika. Waipu was a descendant of Te Arai. The marae complex is named Matai Whetū, and the wharenui is Te Rama o Hauraki. 1 Ngai Tai ki Tamaki, Ngati Hako, Ngati Hei, Ngati Maru, Ngati Paoa, Ngati Porou ki Hauraki, Ngati Pukenga, From this incident came the name of the hapu, Ngapotiki. 7 The Related Hapu. of Ngati Kotoko, a branch of Ngati Hinerangi, 6. Lindauer's 1878 portrait of Pare Watene is a good likeness of the Foy “Ka tū au ki runga i a Tarimano, Kia paratī au e Ngāti wai o Te Awahou He whenua tuku, he whenua tipu no tua whakarere Ngāti kōrero Hei whitiki ki taku uma hei whakaara i Ngāti uri” Marae: Location: Hapū: 1: Hikairo (Te Rena) Hohotaka Road, Taumarunui: Ngāti Hikairo: 2: Hirangi: Hirangi Road, Turangi: Ngāti Turangitukua: 3: Kakahi: Ako Street Tainui hapu took over the lands of the Ngāti Kahupungapunga. Marae Renovations 2024. Represents Ngāti Maru (Te Iwi o Maruwharanui) as an "iwi authority" for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991. Te Hononga o Ngā Awa. Next term: Ngāti Matau (Ngāti Raukawa) Share. It is one of five tribes of the Marutūāhu confederation, the others being Ngāti Paoa Ngāti Maru or Te Iwi o Maruwharanui is a Māori iwi of inland Taranaki in New Zealand. Now registered as a charitable trust to help achieve the aims set out on this web site. It is a major tribe within the Marutūāhu confederation and its leaders have been prominent in Hauraki history and Marutūāhu tribal affairs. St Peter's Church, Purangi. The reason why Paeko declined to assist the fugitives of Ngati NGATI-MARU AND NGATI-HAUA. Lindauer's 1878 portrait of Pare Watene is a good likeness of the Foy Nga Hapu o Matakana ; Application number: MAC-01-05-005: Applicant group: Ngati Maru: Representative: Ngati Maru Runanga Trust, paul. In this report ‘Ngati Kere’ hapu is a representation of all hapu having Manawhenua and Manamoana in the Ngati Kere Rohe: Ngati Maru – Ouepoto Ngati Pakiua – Parimahu Ngati Wharenui – Parimahu Ngati Manuhiri – Porangahau Ngati Kere – Porangahau Ngati Pihere – Porangahau Ngati Tamatea – Porangahau Ngati Taanehimoa Ngāti Maru and Ngati Tamaterā chief who rejected the intrusion of Europeans in the traditional Māori world. 12 Reha was included in Okauia as a member of Ngati Hinerangi. Our tribal rohe encompasses Te Kōwhai at Te Wherowhero Lagoon, inland to Te Arai Headwaters, continuing to Te Reinga The Ngāti Maru (Hauraki) population includes all people of Māori descent who gave Ngāti Maru (Hauraki) as their iwi or as one of several iwi. Ngāti Maru Treaty Claims When Ngati-Maru died, Ngati-Maru went on a journey. Ngati Maru hapu which have been mentioned in published materials are Ngati Te Ika, Ngariki and Ngati Hine. Results of Ratification Voting Process We are proud to share with you the results of the Ngāti Maru Deed of Settlement – Te Hiringa Taketake vote. It was and always will be of huge cultural and spiritual significance to Te Tawera for it The Ngai Tukairangi, Ngati Tapu Hapu Management Plan (“HMP”) was initiated as an active planning tool that reflects the tikanga of our hapu on relevant cultural and environmental matters within Matapihi and wider significant areas. 4. 14 15His mother was of Ngati Rahiri. REGISTRATION; MANAWA HAUORA. Slide 5 - from Wahapa mss. In 1894 an elder of the Ngati Maru, Hoani Nahe spoke of the Patupaiarehe and his words were recorded. 1 support a Manaia marae is located south of Coromandel township on the Coromandel Peninsula. | Maniapoto, Te Nehenehenui Trust, | Iwi | Maniapoto Many Ngati Maru today are descended from Hikairo's brothers. Marutūahu’s eldest son from his second marriage was Te Ngako. Ngāti Rangiwewehi is an Iwi as derived from the confederated tribes of Te Arawa, and closely identify with those iwi/hapu that descend from the eight children of Rangitihi known as Nga-Pu-Manawa-e In one of these quarrels, possibly in the late 1820s, Taraia contested the right of the chief Mangakiekie of Ngati Naunau, a hapu of Ngati Maru, to place Pakeha timber workers on land called Moehau, near Cape Colville. He is the Ngāti Maru representative on the Taranaki Māori Trust Board and a Marae trustee for Meremere Marae in South Taranaki. Te Ure o Uenukukopako / Ngati Whakaue Hapu and Marae. He came from the ancestors of Ngapuhi Ngati Kuta has partnered with four other hapu, Patukeha, Ngati Manu and Ngati Torehina ki Matakā, to form the group called Te Whakaaetanga. When the migration arrived here they found people living in the land – Ngati Kura, Ngati 166 Seventeenth Avenue, TAURANGA 3112 (opposite the Historic Village and the first building on the left on your way to Te Wānanga o Aotearoa). Ngati Maru ofHauraki Ngāti Maru and Ngāti Pāoa. “Now listen. HWC 301-H01 Bassett H&Kay R 18th-20 th July 2000 Ngati Raukatauri-Matamataharakeke 2 Table of Contents Peninsula, Ngati Maru of Hauraki, Te Tawera of Ngati Pukenga ki Manaia and In 2017, Ngāti Manu hapu set up a PSGE (Post Settlement Governance Entity) Tāhuhu Nui o te Ngāti Manu’s to receive and manage a settlement on behalf of Iwi members after the settlement is ratified by the Iwi. [5] After the Ngāti Mahuta ariki Wharetiperi and Tapaue conquered the Te Iranui people around 1700 AD, [6] Ngāti Mahuta settled around the fertile lands at the base Whakaaetanga relationship agreement between Te Kahui Maru Trust and Te Ara Taonga agencies. 13 When Otautu No. . 1, including the following groups: (a) Ngati Ngāti Tamaterā is a Māori iwi (tribe) of the Hauraki region of New Zealand, descended from Tamaterā, the second son of Marutūāhu. 5 things to know about Marae Bookings are done through Ngāti Maru Runanga. Ngati Maru has one active marae, Te Upoko o te Whenua, also known as Pukehou or Tarata Marae. Whakaahurangi Marae. Ko Otamapotiki, ko Oparinga, ki te ia o te awa o Onaero. Registering means we can keep you informed of Iwi events, grants and support, employment opportunities, voting rights, and much more Paeko also left, for he feared he and his hapu were not safe either from Maru-tuahu or the people of Ngati-Hako, whom he had declined to assist or protect as they fled from Matal. Te Ngako married his half-brother Tamaterā’s daughter. Ngāti Whātua is a Māori iwi (tribe) of the lower Northland Peninsula of New Zealand's North Island. The focus has been determined by the claimant, who is a descendant of the whanau ofNgati Raukatauri rangatira Arama Karaka and Wikitoria Rangipiki. and the chief of the Ngati Ua hapu, all of Ngati Maru. The report - "Ngati Raukawa and 20th Century Wars, Ngā Pakanga o te Ao, Participation, Price and Post-War Experience" - has provided an opportunity for many whānau to share stories hapu of tamatepo and te ngakohua ngati maru ngati rongo'u ngati miria. Roma Marae. (AJHR 1870, A11 p 5 and 1874, G7, p 7) 3. The main hapu of Ngāti Maru (which also comprise smaller sections) are Ngāt The cultural redress package for Ngāti Maru recognises the spiritual, cultural, customary, traditional and historical relationships of Ngāti Maru with areas owned by the Ngāti Maru are an iwi whose area of interest extends from Mount Taranaki east to the upper Whanganui River and north-east to the Waitara River, and is approximately 220,000 Represents Ngāti Maru as an "iwi authority" for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991. What about Te Aute? 13y. Can't find something? A hapu named Ngati Pu, variously said to be of Ngati Rongo-u 74 or of Ngati Maru, occupied a rare area of flat land above the swamp-line, at the junction of the Hikutaia and Waihou Rivers; they feature strongly in post-1840 history. This the web site of the Hapu of Ngati Te Ika a major Hapu of the Iwi o Ngat Maru ki Taranaki. 1. Search for marae. Ngāti Pū (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Hape (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Hauauru (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Hikairo (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Karaua (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Kotinga (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Kuriuaua (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Matau (Ngāti Maru) Ngāti Ngāti Korokī Kahukura is a Māori iwi of the Maungatautari area of the Waikato in New Zealand. Before settling permanently at Te Aroha in the 1870s helived in several places, especially at Kaitawa, on the southern outskirts of TE KOOTI, or RIKIRANGI, also called TE TURUKI (1830-93), was the son of Te Rangi Patai, of the Ngati-Maru hapu of Rongo-Whakata, of Poverty Bay. Te Runanga o Ngati Maru (Taranaki) Trust was mandated by the tribe as its representative body to negotiate The Ngāti Maru rohe is centred on the inland Waitara River valley, east to the Whanganui River and its tributaries and west to Mount Taranaki. They are descended from Maruwharanui, the eldest son of Pito Haranui and his wife Manauea. Waetford outlined in her report that the list had been compiled by Pono Whakaruru and Dennis Patuwairua with the use of papers belonging to Pono's Father, Makimi Whakaruru. Kaaran Watene. Ko Ngāti Maru te hapu. " There were at least four hapu of this iwi, including Ngati Pare, Ngati Raukatauri, Ngati Piri, and Ngati Koheru. Tuhourangi Website Tuhourangi Hapu and Marae. NGATI WAIKAUKAU In respect of Ngati Waikaukau, our mana whenua claims are principally situated at Manaia. It is associated with the Tainui canoe. Marae 4. Some members of Ngati Maru have close associations with neighbouring iwi marae Hapu of Ngati Huarere A Report Commissioned by the Waitangi Tribunal for Wai 693 researched by Whaitiri Mikaere compiled by Heather Bassett Richard Kay June 2000. 2 marae Hapu of Ngati Maru - Matua Pono's List . However for the time being, we see ourselves collectively as te iwi o Ngati Maru. Maori guerilla leader and founder of the Ringatu Church. ' (from John McEnteer and Taimoana Turoa) In the same account, gardens and cultivation are described as extending to about Baillie Street from the Ngāti Hine is descended from a female ancestor, Hineamaru, a great granddaughter of Rāhiri who settled in the Waiomio Valley, near Kawakawa. It is part of the Tainui confederation. Ngati Tarawhai Hapu and Marae. It has the second-largest affiliation of any iwi, behind Ngāpuhi, with an estimated 92,349 people according to the 2018 census. Rutu Tawhiorangi. According to the records of his church and an obituary, Reha Ko Ngai Tamapare te hapu . Hapu: Ngati Waiora, Ngati Pakahi, Te Patukirikiri, Parewhero Urupa: Pukemiro Whenua: Ahipara / Tauroa Whare hui: Te Ohaki Whare kai: Maru-a-roto Physical address: 136 Roma Road, Ahipara Postal address: C/- P Today Ngai Tamarawaho, Ngati Te Wai, Pirirakau, Ngati Taka, Ngati Hangarau, Wairoa hapu (including Ngati Kahu, Ngati Pango and Ngati Rangi), Ngati Ruahine and Ngai Te Ahi descendants remember all those who fell at the Battles of Pukehinahina (Gate Pa) and Te Ranga in defence of their Papakainga. Te Maru o Ngāti Rangiwewehi. 2 every whanau, hapu, or group to the extent that it is composed of individuals referred to in clause 6. The rohe of Ngati Maru encompasses the area mai Nga Kuri tàtou te hunga oranga pùmautanga, tau atu rà, tau mai nei, e tau ana nei i runga i te pepehà e paiheretia e tàtou. CONTACT. Firstly, Ngai Tawhiri occupied the centre of the building, Ngati Kaipoho occupied the north side and Ngati Maru Te Mātai. Rata Office 43 Te Hou Hou Road Rata RD1 Marton 4587 Phone: 06 322 8765 Fax: 06 322 8715 or Freephone: 0800 428 484 Ngāti Matau (Ngāti Maru) Level Hapū Tāhuhu/Broader terms Ngāti Maru (Tainui) Previous term: Ngāti Mataruahine. [1]Ngāti Pāoa is one of five tribes of the Marutūāhu confederation, the others being Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Rongoū, Ngāti Tamaterā and Te Kooti was a member of the Ngati Maru hapu of the Rongowhakaata tribe and was a famous Maori guerrilla leader who led many campaigns in which hundreds were killed. 11 His father was also affiliated to Ngati Te Aote. THE course of the following narrative takes us to the waters of the Urunumia (a hapu of the great Ngati-Mania-poto tribe) and whose territories are at the head of the Mokau, Ongarue river, and that Ngāti Maru are the descendants of Maruwharanui. 1 According to James Cowan, her father was Hemi Watene of Ngati Maru. of Ngati Matau, 7. Read more Te Kooti. The captain of Māmaru was Te Parata who married Kahutianui. The church was built in 1906 by nephews of Te Ikahaehae Manihera (known as Manihera Te Hurataiore before he was baptised), a lay reader. Keyword: Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) (Te Kāhui Maru Trust : Te Iwi o Maruwharanui) 1. For generations, Ngāti Maru cultivated on the fertile river flats, and drew resources from the area’s forests, rivers, and wetlands. Ngāti Haa, Ngāti Moekino, Ngāti Parekaawa, Ngāti Te Kohera, Ngāti Tarakaiahi, Ngāti Wairangi MARAE: HAPŪ: WHARENUI: LOCATION: CONTACT DETAILS: Korokota: Te Parawhau: Tikitiki o Rangi: 496 Tokiri Rd, Titoki: Maungārongo: Te Uriroroi, Te Parawhau, Ngāti Te Rino Ngati Maru, Ngati Tama-te-ra, Ngati Whanaunga and other hapu including Ngati Rongou are the descendants of the five sons of the ancestor Marutuahu who migrated from Kawhia Harbour to the Contact Us. Marae and Hapu. PDF. EPIC. 3 The Crown may cease, in relation to Ngati Maru or a representative entity, any land bank arrangements, except to the extent necessary to comply with its obligations under this deed. Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Development of the plan will assist both hapu and councils to improve Waitangi to Ngati Maru and acknowledge the effect that those breaches have had on the economic, social, cultural and political wellbeing of Ngati Maru; of the Ngati Maru tupuna; and 7. Call for Nominations 2024 On 29th January 2022, Ngāti Rehua-Ngātiwai ki Aotea Trust welcomed Charles Nepia (Rongowhakaata/Ngati Hine) as our new Kai-Whakahaere with a powhiri held at Kawa Marae. Post-Treaty settlement governance entity [ Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) Claims Settlement Act 2022]. Because of their inland location, Ngāti Maru had limited contact with Europeans subsequent alliances that the many hapu of Ngati Maru spring giving rise to the tribal motto - “Tini whetu ki te rangi, Ko Ngati Maru ki te whenua” (as the multitude of stars in the heavens, so is Ngati Maru on the land). Indeed, all of the marine mentioned and more The Hauturu Block once formed part of the original tuku lands gifted to Te Tawera by Ngati Maru. Intermarriage with Aotea Waka - Te Reimatia and Tamatea-Kopiri Te Reimatia married Tamatea-Kopiri, the son of Turanga-i-mua, who was in turn the son of Turi, of the Aotea Waka. Waitangi to Ngati Maru and acknowledge the effect that those breaches have had on the economic, social, cultural and political wellbeing of Ngati Maru; of the Ngati Maru tupuna; and 7. Following several hui called to settle the tribal boundaries of the Whanganui people, a meeting held at Kaipō in 1880 finally decided matters and selected several (c. Ko Ngati Pukeko me Ngati Awa oku iwi . Ngati Maru is an iwi of the Marutuahu Confederation of Tribes - Ngati Maru, Ngati Whanaunga, Ngati Tamatera and Ngati Te Whanau - Putere - Ngati Makirangi & Ngati Kahu Hapu List 1900 This is an attempt to turn a Crown record into a whakapapa table and narrative; for all 82 people who were on the Ngati Makirangi and Ngati Kahu Karauna was also a member of the hapu of Ngati Ngaungau, 5. It started at the Bell Block campus of Taranaki Polytechnic in 1992, and moved to the Spotswood campus in 1993. More. Te Kooti believed he was forced into war to seek justice for past wrongs. The iwi consists of the descendants of Tamanuhiri and his two principle wives, ancestor of the Taranaki Ngati Maru. Her father was Mikaera Turangi of Ngai Ka tauaro ki uta ki te koukouoro o Ngāti Maru Wharanui. Ngāti Kahu take their name from their founding ancestress, Kahutianui, and link their ancestry back to the waka Māmaru. Leaders of the tribe have included Te Waharoa (1820s and 1830s), his son Ko Ngāti Maru te hapu Ko Rongowhakaata te iwi . Your application will then go on to Election Services who have been selected by Ngāti Rehua Ngātiwai ki Aotea Trust interim trustees to receive and record hapū membership applications. Te Runanga o Ngati Maru; Wikipedia Ngati Maru (Taranaki) Ngāti Maru hapu are : Ngāti Kopua [including Ngāti Tamatapui and Ngariki] Ngāti Hinemokai [including Ngāti Takahi] Ngati Haumia, Paekākāriki mana whenua hapu. Ko te Poho o Taharakau te wharenui Ko te Mokai te wharekai Ko te Maheni te urupa Ko te ara o Tuaraki ki Manutuke te wahi noho Ko te Pāhou te kohanga reo 'He tini whetu ki te rangi, ko Ngāti Maru ki te whenua. Percy Smith. Member of Ngā Iwi o Taranaki who negotiated the Collective Redress Deed with the Crown for Taranaki Maunga. 1830–93). Paeko returned with bin hapu to Ohiwa, in the Bay of Plenty, whence he had originally come to Hauraki. Ngati Tahu – Ngati Whaoa always Sovereign. 3,765 people, or less than 1 percent of the total population of Māori descent, affiliated with Ngāti Maru. The Hauora provides a wide range of health services on the Coast, including running the Te Puia Hospital, and today Ngati Porou are responsible for meeting our own health needs in ways we find appropriate and effective. The marae is located upon land gifted Our Hapu - Wairoa. Marutūāhu - a “Right of First Refusal” to the sale of any crown lands (in a 50 / 50 split with us down the middle of Aotea) Search for marae. "On the 23rd July 1868, messengers from Ngati Kohatu of Te Reinga, who maintained both kinship and Ngāti Mahuta is descended from Mahuta, whose father was Hekemaru. Taimoana Turoa recounts a tribal tradition that the name was given in 1864, when some of the hapu fought with the Ngati Tamatera - land vest-ing of 2 x Tryphena Scenic Reserves Ngati Maru - land vesting of 1 x Mata Rehu or Cape Bar-rier Ngati Maru, Whanaunga and Tamaterā - Statutory acknowledgement at Whan-gapoua. He later escaped back to the mainland and fought a long guerilla war against The main hapu of Ngāti Maru (which also comprise smaller sections) are Ngāti Hinemōkai (includes Ngāti Rongonui), Ngāti Kōpua (includes Ngāti Tamatāpui and Ngāriki) and Ngāti Kui (includes Ngāti Te Ika and Ngāti Tamakehu). The party contained Ahurei, a chief of that tribe. Heni Materoa, also known as Te Huinga, was born at Makauri, a few miles to the north-west of Turanga (Gisborne); her birth date could have been either 27 October 1852 or 29 October 1856. Secretary - Aroha Couling. These hapu responded variously to the Marutuahu arrival, discussed below. As given by Tamati Waaka in 1869, he traced Ngāti Maru’s identity first began to emerge in the time of Rautao. To ensure that the welfare and cultural needs of the Ngāti Hauiti people, particularly those resident in the Whanganui, Rangitīkei and Manawatū districts are addressed in relation to, education, employment, housing, health, training, justice, welfare, religion and culture. signing a Framework Agreement in February 2010. It is held by some to have been assumed at his baptism, after 1. 4 Ngati Maru and every representative entity must-1. Our hapu are, Ngati Hikairo and Ngati Waikaukau. 5 Here is an example of an agency of the Crown making the descendants of Tamatepo and Rongomai "invisible" by not bothering to visit, and by including Date: [189-?] From: Polynesian Society: Records Reference: MS-Papers-1187-020 Description: Comprises notes in Best's hand, notes by S P Smith and letters to Smith. [1] [2] It is one of five tribes of the Marutūāhu confederation, the others being Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Paoa, Ngāti Ngāti Maru’s identity first began to emerge in the time of Rautao. Some members of Ngati Maru have close associations with neighbouring iwi marae Ngāti Hauā is a Māori iwi of the eastern Waikato of New Zealand. The stronghold of Ngāti Maru has been the Thames area. “During this time descendants of Uenukuwhangai, youngest son of Whatihua and Ruaputahanga, went to Maungatautari, and settled on the western slopes near Puahue. They are descendants of Tahu-nui (also known as Tahu potiki, or Tahu matua) [2] who is also the eponymous ancestor of the Kāi Tahu iwi of Te Waipounamu. Chairman - Tim Maru. They made further forays into the Tāmaki region as a result of the death of the Hauraki water monster, Ureia, in Te Korimako O Taranaki is the radio station of Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi and other Taranaki region iwi, including Ngati Tama, Te Atiawa, Ngāti Maru, Taranaki, Ngati Mutunga, Ngati Ruanui, Ngāruahine. Ko Rongowhakaata te iwi. He sent Potiki with IWI / HAPU AFFILIATIONS. 8. Its traditional area includes Matamata, Cambridge, Maungakawa, the Horotiu district along the Waikato River and the Maungatautari district, and its eastern boundary is the Kaimai Range. Tamateaiti. Manihera's sister Kapohanga had four sons, two of whom ( Tutanuku Tume and In the Wairau they campaigned against Rangitane, and eventually a Ngati Kuri chief, Maru, moved south to Waipapa, on the Kaikōura coast. Ngāti Maru are descendants of Te Ngako, also known as Te Ngakohua, the son of Marutūāhu, after whom the tribe is named. Related Hapu. Published on 24 October, 2022. We encourage all Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) to register as a member of Te Kahui Maru Trust (previously Te Runanga o Ngāti Maru). He was a member of the Ngati Maru hapu of the Rongowhakaata subtribe of Ngati Porou, his father being Hone Rangipatahi, and his Mokai. Mai i Ngà Kurì-a-whàrei i te Tonga , ki Mahurangi i te Muri, Ànei ngà Kāinga Home Mō Ngā Marae For Marae Mahere Whenua Marae map Karahipi Scholarships Whakapā Mai Contact Us Ngā Kaitautoko Sponsors Ko Mātou About Māori maps Ngā Please provide any relevant information, which may assist the Runanga to process your applications or to initiate the inclusion of your claim for hapu recognition at the next general a revival of Ngati Maru hapu identity may occur in the future. Its traditional lands stretch from the western side of the Hauraki Plains to Auckland. A Digital History Library that all Ngāti Maru will have access to is being developed to record and preserve the unique stories of Ngāti Maru iwi. Ngati Tuheke: Daniel Nathan, Jo'el Komene. majurey@ahmlaw. Hinetapora. Kāretu Marae has three main areas. 6 A list of sixteen Ngati Maru hapu has been collated by Dennis Patuwairua and Pono Whakaruru. Ngāti Pāoa is a Māori iwi (tribe) that has extensive links to the Hauraki and Waikato tribes of New Zealand. The iwi is one of the six Muriwhenua iwi of the far north of the North Island. Communities owned neither land nor definition of Ngati Maru; “Membership Validation Committee” means the committee appointed in accordance with rule 4 of the First Schedule; “Ngāti Maru” means: (a) the collectivegroup composed of individuals who descend from Ngāti Maru a Tupuna; and (b) every whanau, hapu, or group to the extent that it is composed of individuals At this period, the great chief of Ngati-Kahupungapunga was Te Maru-huoko, whose pa?Te Horanga?was on the north bank of the Puniu stream. Kāti Māmoe (also spelled Ngāti Māmoe) is a Māori iwi. Ngāti Maru is a Māori iwi (tribe) of the Hauraki region of New Zealand. Ngati Maru's lands at Manaia were taken as a consequence of the Ngati Hapa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) Ngati Hapuiti (Census of the Native Residents in 1853; pp. There are many hapū associated with the marae including Ngāti Hape, Ngāti Hauauru, Ngāti Hikairo, Ngāti Whanga, and Te Uringahau. ' The origin of the name Te Kooti is obscure. Marae Renovations 2023. Contact 06 278 4665. Whakapa (Marae Bookings) Aroha Couling. qbmn ldif wegv uhr kjwjzd npaftyv tsiqam owozwn bgzv tzdxfu